I Love TiVo!

So much TV, so little time. Thanks to TiVo, it's manageable!

Friday, September 30, 2005

High School Memories

Reunion is really turning out to be a great drama. You have no clue what is going on and who has what role. That equals some great TV! These last couple weeks really started to shape the characters. You can read the recap here...but I'm here to talk gossip about the show. Aaron is still a dork, but it's always the dorks that make $. Which we saw a preview of that at the end of the 1988 episode. We see that Will becomes a priest 20 years down the road but will he fall into his old ways and do something "un-father-like"? I'm not sure what the fascination is about Samantha. She seems pretty wimpy to me if she can't even tell Will that he's the father of her baby that she's trying to get back. But Samantha and Carla have the best plan. For Carla to be Amy's, Samantha's daughter's, new nanny so Samantha can still be close to her baby while trying to get her back. This is obviously going to come back and bite her in the ass, but it should definitely be interesting. There's something about Carla. Maybe it's that she tries to impress her own friends...but she's going to be the one with all the crazy mess in the end. I can just tell! Craig = pansy. I really don't like him. Typical rich kid that gets away with everything and I'm now thinking that he's the one that got shot. So far, it only makes sense. I think Jeanna will be the one to either hit it big, or be addicted to drugs within one or two more episodes. Maybe even both. If your Mom is at your party hooking up with the guy that you're trying to hook up with, that can only mean one thing...ISSUES! I'm sure she's all screwed up and we've only scratched the surface. The last main character to comment on is Detective Marjorino. We found out that his father was killed 20 years ago and was the one that Craig hit while drinking and driving and Will took the blame for. Great twist! I only have a few shallow opinions on each character right now...but I can't wait for the next episode. This show has some great suspense and keeps me guessing. That's all I ask for people!

He Can Leap Tall Buildings...

And he can leap directly into my bed if he'd like. That's right I'm talking about Tom Welling a.k.a Clark Kent. One of the best shows on TV for the last few years has been Smallville. I'm not much of a sci-fi geek, but I've always been facinated with Superman and Star Wars. So if you include some teen angst and drama in with Superman...that is genius in my book! So the season premier was last night and I'm already counting the hours until the next episode. If you know the story of Superman, you know that Jor-El is now testing Clark by removing his abilities. And, of course, we know he'll get them back by making his way back to the Fortress of Solitude eventually. But as we see in this episode, Clark if finally going to hook it up with his longed for sweetie, Lana. At last! Maybe he'll get some before going off to save the world. Chloe has known about Clark for a while now and since she somehow was transported into the snow behind Clark...he has to save her from freezing to death and she reveals that she knows his secret. The best part of this episode was the two "aliens" busting around town searching for Kal-El. When they find him, their plan to capture him backfires and he throws the two evil-doers into that flat glass portal thingy that flies around the universe. But shouldn't there be three of them? As the story goes. And who is created out of the oil drippings from their space ship? Could it be Zod??? 6 days and 1 hour and 56 minutes until we know more! Another great season is off and running!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Dancing and Finales and Drama...OH MY!

Wow...2 weeks has gone by and SO much has happened in the land of TV. I truely believe God must have a TiVo! With so many good shows out there, how else would anyone have time for it all without that little box that some genius created?!

Prepare folks...this will be a long one. There's been such a lapse of posts because I've been dealing with work stuff and making last minute trips to Boston before throwing in the towel and resigning. I'm through working for a horrible, control freak, ego-maniac boss! So what does that mean for me? It means plenty of time to catch up on my TiVo! Which I have started to slowly chip away at.

First, I'd like to give a "holla!" out to my one fan. I happen to know this fan and although he isn't addicted to ALL TV like I am...I will certainly give him props on being a reality TV addict. So I'll get to his request to start this off.

So You Think You Can Dance

Great show! I watch it religiously because I've for some reason always been facinated with dance shows. From Solid Gold to cheerleading competitions, I always tune in. I can't even tell you how excited I was to hear that Ballroom Dancing was including in the Olympics! Unlike Dancing With The Stars this summer, where you are basically watching to see if these celebrities can actually do anything more than be a half-way good actor/singer...this show is based on true talent. I mean seriously, how can anyone go from krumping and popping directly to a Fox Trot or Quick Step? That's insane to me! So speaking of...there are some problems with a couple dancers. Jamile - of course I've been cheering for him since he lives down the street from me...and that boy can pop and krump until the cows come home...but he just can't ballroom. He's definitely gotten TONS better...but his posture was definitely created from the streets. Completely appropriate for his type of dancing, but not for an "all around" dancer. He still rocks...but he's going down. Nick - Amazing! But...he has the reverse problem. Although not to the same extreme. His duo dance with Jamile was spectaular and he has grown over the competition, but, he's just to "jazzy" for me. Now the real competition. Melody and Ashle. WOW! Both of these girls have so much talent that it really doesn't matter who wins becuase they are both set for their entire dacing careers. But I'm doing to pick Ashle here. She has a certain "something" about switching up her dance styles that ads that extra "oomph". Maybe it's that Melody lifting her leg up all the time really annoys me as well...but I'm going to put my $ on Ashle! Go white girl, go white girl, go!!!

Big Brother 6

This one will be quick. Janelle was robbed. Plain and simple. I have watched all 6 years of BB and this was by far the best one! Kaysar rocked, Howie was pure entertainment and April and Ivette annoyed the living hell out of me. But Janelle was an amazing player. She PLAYED the game. Maggie just sat around and did nothing. It obviously worked for her...but she was so incredibly boring that the ONLY reason why I watched the finale is to see Ivette go down. That girl has some issues. If I heard one more "Cappy" comment out of her mouth I was going to jump through the screen and strangle her. And Tush? Tush? Come on ladies. Puke! Hopefully April will calm down on all the plastic surgery and Beau will stop screaming like a 3 year old girl. But you got it...I'm still hooked and will certainly be tuning in next year!

Now that I've answered my fan mail...time to start on the drama!


This will be hard to keep simple. Let me preface all of this with the fact that I'm a new fan. A new friend of mine turned me on to this show, so before this season started I was watching all of the episodes non-stop for about a week before hand. So this entire plot is very fresh in my head and I'm super involved. Here is the recap from last night. But for those you really into this show, check out this site to enter the relm of true "LOST" geekdom. I will start by saying WTF?!?! I swear this is the first show I've ever watched that constantly leaves me asking more and more questions after every episode with hardly having any of the previous questions answered! Brilliant! Yet frustrating. Usually I can leave a show on my TiVo for a couple days and wait for the weekend to watch it...but not this show. I will start the show about 15-20 minutes into it so I can fast forward through all the commercials and end the show the same time the show is ending in real life. That's how I feel about this show!

Jack Shephard (or Charlie as I like to think of him from Party of Five) - Talk about pressure for this dude. He's the only doctor, has confidence issues...and yet everyone is completely relying on him for every decision. Eek! But definitely wondering when him and Kate are going to get it on. Waiting for the day.

John Locke - Hated him. Liked him. Hated him. Liked him. And now it's moving back to hate. He's been acting way shady recently. Shady that he had so many knives. Thought the tough love to get Charlie off of heroine (that won't last) was very cool. Shady again about not telling anyone about his legs and then blowing off the hatch when Hugo was yelling at him to stop. Very confused on him right now...so I'll form a better opinion in the next few episodes I'm sure.

Kate Ryan - Shady, but like her. Too bad there's not a therapist on the island...she could clock in some major hours. Intimacy issues? Commitment issues? But very cute. I'd pretty much give my right arm to have her body...but then again, I like her arms. Bad deal I guess. Her character is definitely going to grow this season, can't wait.

Sayid Jarrah - HOT! Don't know exactly what does it for me...but love him. He is certainly going to be key to their survival. Hope him and Shannon can work things out too.

Those are pretty much my favorite characters. I definitely think Charlie and Claire are going to hook up and definitely think Charlie is going to break open that Virgin Mary. Will Michael find Walt? Will Sawyer grow a soul? Will Jin and Sun work things out and will he be able to really escape his past? What's up with Hugo and his "numbers"? And the Hatch...who is that dude really? Who are "the others?" What's up with that one girl that Jack met at the airport bar being in that group? Etc, etc. Do you see what I'm talking about with all these questions? Answer the questions you bastards!!!

Now...I'll take a little break and re-group before getting into 4-5 other shows that I've been watching. AND...Smallville starts tonight!!! Don't even get me started on that show!!!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Ah....The Fall

I'm not sure where to start with all of the excitment of the new fall season. I think I get excited about new Fall TV the way I used to get excited to wear my new outfit on the first day of school. There was a teaser last week with The OC and the new show Reunion starting.

The OC
- Great Teen Angst. I love that I can get my fill of 90210, Dawson's Creek and Melrose Place all in one show. Who doesn't love drugs, sex, rock and roll, mixed with some great drama and teen angst? This season started off with Ryan getting blamed, once again, for something he didn't do because of his "reputation", Marissa not getting blamed for something she did do because of her mother's "reputation", and Summer and Cohen bantering back and forth as usual. And from a marketing stand point, I'd love to know how much $ is being tossed around each time Cohen mentions a brand, movie, etc. Great placement! Looking forward to another drama-filled season.

- Great new plot. You have to love a show that opens with a funeral. Definitely not what I expected from this show after reading about it, but, it's even better. This one has drama and angst all wrapped up with mystery and suspense. You don't know who's funeral it is, of course, and it could take a couple seasons to figure it out. It all starts out with Detective Marjorino at the funeral where he asks Carla some "questions" since she was the last person to see the deceased alive. She is one of the friends in their group of 6 best friends. She then starts from the beginning, 1986. You can read the recap here. But so far this show has everything. Friends sleeping with best friend's girlfriends, pregnancy, one friend liking another friend that is totally in love with another friend, rich friend with a poor best friend that ends up going to jail in the rich kid's place because their plan backfired, etc. I'll definitely be able to tell within 3 shows if this show will last or not. So tune in and stay tuned.

So now I'll briefly discuss this week's show. This is the true first week of the Fall season. Woo hoo! I"ll be recapping with my thoughts after I watch everything.

Gilmore Girls
- As season 5 starts, will Luke answer Lorelai's propsal with a "Yes!"? Will Rory continue down the completely normal path of a college co-ed? Will the completely useless character of Michel ever shut up? Ooooo, the suspense.

- I can only hope this new drama turns into another Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel. Can't wait to give my thoughts on this one. Here is rundown of the show. Those WB folks are like a close family I suppose. This show snagged Jared Padalecki from Gilmore Girls and Jensen Ackles from Smallville. This could be goooood!

Ok, so that wasn't as many new shows as I thought this week. But then again, I'll have to do an entirely seperate post on the reality shows I watch. Oh yes...it doesn't stop with comedy and drama. But this week I'll enjoy my 4 shows on top of the new Martha show I'll be watching. Throw a little Biggest Loser, So You Think You Can Dance and Big Brother 6 in there and call it a great premier week. Tonight is actually an "off"night with shows, so I'll finish up season 2 of Entourage and prepare for the week.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Sex and The City - Take 2

So my friend convinced me to get the 1st season on Entourage. (Obviously, by my list of shows...I can't keep up with everything...but I try!) I watched it tonight and absolutely loved it. So glad there's On Demand for the next seasons!

My take on the show so far...it's a guy's Sex and The City! It's great! Having lived in So Cal, I have seen this show in my real life and it's pretty damn accurate. No, I haven't been to tons and tons of parties with fabulous celebrities, although I try to stalk when I can, but the mentality is the same as in real life. Especially in LA. I also most certainly have friends that wish their lives were like that show. I mean, who wouldn't love to have a famous rich guy friend and mooch off him because you don't care...and either does he?! Perfect situation. I can only hope that one of my girlfriends will become rich and famous and hook me up, because I'd certainly do the same! Get on it girls!

Off to check out season 2!

My Insane love of TV and TiVo!

Most of my friends think I'm insane because of the amount of TiVo I watch/record. Well...now it will finally be confirmed as I write about all of my shows and most likely give opinions on them like they are real live situations. So get ready to read about my obsession with TV!