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Saturday, September 10, 2005

Sex and The City - Take 2

So my friend convinced me to get the 1st season on Entourage. (Obviously, by my list of shows...I can't keep up with everything...but I try!) I watched it tonight and absolutely loved it. So glad there's On Demand for the next seasons!

My take on the show so far...it's a guy's Sex and The City! It's great! Having lived in So Cal, I have seen this show in my real life and it's pretty damn accurate. No, I haven't been to tons and tons of parties with fabulous celebrities, although I try to stalk when I can, but the mentality is the same as in real life. Especially in LA. I also most certainly have friends that wish their lives were like that show. I mean, who wouldn't love to have a famous rich guy friend and mooch off him because you don't care...and either does he?! Perfect situation. I can only hope that one of my girlfriends will become rich and famous and hook me up, because I'd certainly do the same! Get on it girls!

Off to check out season 2!


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