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Friday, September 30, 2005

High School Memories

Reunion is really turning out to be a great drama. You have no clue what is going on and who has what role. That equals some great TV! These last couple weeks really started to shape the characters. You can read the recap here...but I'm here to talk gossip about the show. Aaron is still a dork, but it's always the dorks that make $. Which we saw a preview of that at the end of the 1988 episode. We see that Will becomes a priest 20 years down the road but will he fall into his old ways and do something "un-father-like"? I'm not sure what the fascination is about Samantha. She seems pretty wimpy to me if she can't even tell Will that he's the father of her baby that she's trying to get back. But Samantha and Carla have the best plan. For Carla to be Amy's, Samantha's daughter's, new nanny so Samantha can still be close to her baby while trying to get her back. This is obviously going to come back and bite her in the ass, but it should definitely be interesting. There's something about Carla. Maybe it's that she tries to impress her own friends...but she's going to be the one with all the crazy mess in the end. I can just tell! Craig = pansy. I really don't like him. Typical rich kid that gets away with everything and I'm now thinking that he's the one that got shot. So far, it only makes sense. I think Jeanna will be the one to either hit it big, or be addicted to drugs within one or two more episodes. Maybe even both. If your Mom is at your party hooking up with the guy that you're trying to hook up with, that can only mean one thing...ISSUES! I'm sure she's all screwed up and we've only scratched the surface. The last main character to comment on is Detective Marjorino. We found out that his father was killed 20 years ago and was the one that Craig hit while drinking and driving and Will took the blame for. Great twist! I only have a few shallow opinions on each character right now...but I can't wait for the next episode. This show has some great suspense and keeps me guessing. That's all I ask for people!


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