I Love TiVo!

So much TV, so little time. Thanks to TiVo, it's manageable!

Monday, August 20, 2007

The promise and the affair

Once again, I'm going to try to blog and try to be consistent. Obviously, I haven't been in the past. I think my main issue is, because TiVo is so wonderful, and you can watch so much TV in one night, I get overwhelmed with really how much I'd like to write. So then I don't. I will try a different approach this time and not feel like I have to comment on every single show! That should do it!

This will be a challenge with September just around the corner. That's when the overwhelming feelings will start. So many shows, so little time!

Now I must admit something. I have been cheating. Cheating on TiVo. This year I got a beautiful HD TV. ie. My Precious Because I haven't quite been able to afford the HD TiVo box, I have been cheating on TiVo with the Comcast DVR. But just to be clear...I am still in love with TiVo, Comcast means nothing to me! I have no feelings whatsoever for my DVR. I can, however, say with full confidence, TiVo blows DVRs out of the water. I can't stand the fast forward feature, or lack there of. It's extremely slow, doesn't stop when you want to, and you can jump forward in chunks. The search feature also blows. DVR has no such thing as keywords, etc. The delete feature. You delete, and it's gone forever. No recovery if you change your mind. And the biggest one is not being able to see scheduled shows past 5 days in the future and choosing other times that things may be on.

The only one-up on TiVo, recording programs in HD. So yes, I've been heavily considering the TiVo HD investment. Even though they have the new $299 box though, I really want the 300 hrs THX TiVo. What hasn't it gone down in price yet?! It's a bit ridiculous. But I may give in soon. DVR keeps begging me to leave my TiVo and I simply refuse! (Thank goodness I still have my upstairs TiVo that I use regularly!)


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