Nah nah...Goodbye!
So last night's episode of LOST was another good one. Everyone's favorite bratty snob, Shannon, was shot in the tummy. Although, I must say, I was just starting to like her for the first 15 min. of the show. Or was it only because I was jealous of her being with Sayid? Who knows! But it quickly changed when she totally freaked out on him for no reason. Come on woman! JUST because he didn't see what you did? Lame. But way to keep up the woman drama even though you're on a deserted island with no one else that likes you. I guess freaking out can get someone to pledge their love to you though, worked for her!
Speaking of someone that people don't like (or at least I don't), Ana Lucia. She gets on my last nerve! How come she can talk so much smack and not get beat down by everyone? I was really hoping Michael was going to sock her one last night. I think we're going to find out that she's a lot weaker than this attitude she gives off. I still wouldn't get into a ring with her...but I'll mentally kick her ass all over the place. The fact that we're going to see a lot more of her in next week's episode is already pissing me off.
What's up with all that wispering??? I'll definitely be searching some forums to see what it was saying. Someone will decipher it, I just know it. And is Walt really alive? Is it a ghost? And I'll tell you what...if some ghost vision thing was telling me to "Shhh" in the jungle, I may run after it, but certainly wouldn't be yelling at him! If you do that, you're likely to get shot in the tummy! That's what I learned at least. So it's another week of waiting patiently for more answers only to be followed with questions. We might not even know what happens to Sawyer for a couple weeks so we can learn about the other 48 people on board the plane! Ahhh! This show has way too much anticipation! But if you missed it last night, here's the recap.
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